Have you ever wanted to have professional-looking snow to go with your winter decorations? Most people would use something like cotton fibers, or styrofoam beads, or even that spray-on snow for windows. Those things are okay for setting up decorations, but don’t always look the most realistic. Now there is new technology for artificial snow and that is very hard to tell from the real thing. You can buy artificial snow making machine that will send flurries flying through the air. There is also another type of super-absorbent polymer that looks and acts so much like real snow that you will be shocked. You might think that artificial snow making machines would be too expensive for anyone but professional event holders, but that is no longer the case anymore. These days, anyone can have access to professional-grade decorating technologies.
Artificial Snow Polymer
This super-absorbent polymer was invented in Japan for indoor use at snowboarding parks. The realistic properties of the artificial snow are unbelievable. It is basically the same as natural snow, except it will not melt. This type of artificial snow is used in movies and television to achieve a super realistic illusion of snow on the ground. If it’s good enough for real snowboarding and movies, think how realistic it will make your display look. Artificial snow is non-toxic and pretty easy to clean up. You can use it indoors or outside, and in any temperature. The flakes will stay looking great as long as you keep them slightly moist. If you are looking to have the best snow machines and snow making supplies to decorate with, the instant snow polymer should be at the top of your list. This is the absolute best way to get the effect of already-fallen snow on the ground.
Artificial Snow Machines
If you want the effect of snow falling in the air, you will want to get an artificial snow machine. These types of machines use a special snow solution and a blower to create the illusion of very realistic snowflakes flying through the air. In reality, the flakes are actually microscopic foam bubbles but look like realistic flakes flying through the air. The bubbles are so tiny that you would have to get right up to it and touch one of the flakes to realize it’s made of foam. These snow machines, as well as the instant snow polymer are available from SnoWonder. They will help you to decorate like a professional with artificial snow.