Have you ever paid attention to how quickly you go through a box of business cards? You may not realize it, but how often you give away your business cards can be directly tied to the success of your business.
Your business cards are the most cost effective advertising material you will ever purchase. They are easy to find, inexpensive, and can be customized to your liking. Business cards can be taken with you anywhere and are convenient for others to keep on file when needing to contact you.
Giving away your business cards regularly, whether exchanging them at a networking event or unexpected business meeting, is effective. You can use them as calling cards, to enter contests, or even to provide information to someone for purposes other than business use. Your cards are a quick and easy way to introduce others to your business even when you may be meeting them for an unrelated purpose. You never know when that person you meet at your child’s school function is searching for someone who does just what you do for a living.
It is important to not be skimpy with your business cards! If you do not think you are getting a good deal on purchasing business cards, discuss cost saving methods with your current printing company or look for a new printing company who can help save you more money. It is also best to consider buying cards in a larger quantity, as this is a good way to save money and to ensure you will never run out. Talk with your printing company about ways to ensure your business cards for both you and your staff remain a profitable company investment.
A great way to test the benefits of your business card is to keep a record of how often you receive referrals, leads and deals from handing out your card over a set period of time. You will discover that giving away more business cards helps you increase the awareness of your business. It is a simple way you can ensure you are selling your name and your company at every opportunity available.