Why You Might Consider a Flat Roof System in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

by | Feb 18, 2014 | Roofing

While there are some homes in the Oklahoma City area that have flat roofs, most flat roofs are relegated to business facilities. Whether it’s a retail space like a shopping center or a stand-alone store or whether it’s a warehouse, flat roofs are very common and these flat roofs can create some problems when it comes to effective roofing systems. However, roofing technology has continued to advance over the years and today, your business could potentially benefit from a foam Flat roof System in Oklahoma City.

There are many benefits to this type of surface, but one of the main benefits is how easy it is to install. Much like spray on insulation inside of a wall, this foam roofing system can be rolled on or sprayed on and it can be done over the top of existing roofing materials. What this means is there’s no costly labor that is needed to remove the whole roofing materials. Regardless of if the roofing materials has degraded and is causing significant leakage throughout the building, the spray on insulation for the roofing system will cover any porous areas where water is leaking.

Obviously, as stated earlier, this product will help keep water out of the interior of your business facility. But it’s also extremely durable and will hold up under the most severe weather conditions. It also offers exceptional energy efficiency keeping cold air inside of the building over the summer and warm air inside the building over the winter. Lastly, it is much more affordable than other roofing materials that may be used on a flat roof surface.

If you’re interested in a Flat roof System in Oklahoma City, you can search around through the various commercial roofing companies or you can contact Preferred

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