Why Georgia Residents Should Avoid Parabens and Sulfates in Hair Products

by | May 11, 2021 | Hair Care

If you have ever tried to read the ingredients on the back of shampoo, conditioner, or other hair products, you probably gave up after the first few words. There was a long list of complex chemical names. Unfortunately, the vast majority of those chemicals do not do your hair any favors. In fact, they may cause health issues. Here are some tips to use when looking for natural conditioners for curly hair and other natural hair products.

One of the top things to avoid is sulfates. You may see this on the bottle as sodium laurel sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate. This is basically a detergent. It is good at removing oil and dirt from your hair. However, it is too harsh for your hair and skin. It can cause skin and scalp irritation. It strips away the natural shine, moisture, and oil from your hair. This is one of the top reasons to go with a natural conditioner for curly hair and other natural hair products for various hair types.

It is also important to avoid parabens. These are found in a variety of beauty products. They contain chemicals that can interfere with or interact with your body’s hormones. The unfortunate truth is that this can lead to numerous illnesses, including fertility issues and cancer.

In addition to knowing what ingredients are in your hair products, you also want to make sure that you agree with the ethics of the company you buy from.

Learn how Texture My Way sells natural hair products for your curls that are free of parabens and sulfates.

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