Why Asbestos Removal in Atlanta, GA Is Important for Your Health

by | Jan 4, 2022 | Environment

Asbestos is a highly dangerous substance that must be avoided at all costs. It is also why asbestos removal in Atlanta, GA is so important. The good news is that not everyone who comes into contact with asbestos will develop health problems.

There are, however, a few things to consider that raise a person’s risk of having an asbestos-related disease. These considerations include the amount of asbestos in the air, how often and for how long a person was exposed, if they have any lung or respiratory issues, and whether or not they smoke.

Small asbestos fibers can become stuck in the lungs and irritate the tissues because of inhaling them.

Most companies such as 1 Priority Environmental Services, Inc. agree with the research that suggests that breathing asbestos has been associated with the development of the following non-cancerous disorders:

Pleural Disease

This is a non-cancerous lung disorder in which the pleura, the membrane surrounding the lungs and chest cavity, changes. Fluid may build up around the lungs in some circumstances, or the membrane may thicken in general or in localized places. Although not everyone with pleural disease will have breathing issues, some patients with the pleural disease may have less efficient lung function.


This disease is the scarring of the lungs caused by inhaling asbestos fibers, making it just one more reason why asbestos removal in Atlanta, GAis crucial.

Breathing becomes difficult when oxygen and carbon dioxide cannot readily travel in and out of damaged lungs. People exposed to high quantities of asbestos for a long time are more likely to acquire this condition, but symptoms may not appear for years.

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