Many people are looking for a good way to put some extra cash in their pockets. What they don’t realize is that they have a simple way to do this right in their own home. If you have old jewelry or some that is out of style, you can always sell your precious metals and diamonds to a dealer and get some cash easily. With the prices of gold on the rise, you can be sure to get a pretty penny for your jewelry whatever type it is; gold, silver, diamonds, platinum or whatever it may be. Even small diamonds can be worth a lot of money if you know the right diamond buyer. Finding a good diamond buyer should not be too difficult, as diamonds are valuable everywhere. In Oklahoma there are various dealers for gold and diamonds. Searching your local area on the internet should reveal one without too much of a hassle. If you are looking for a diamond buyer in Edmond or Oklahoma City there are many places to choose from. One popular choice in the area is absolute diamond and gold buyer. They are looking to buy gold, diamonds, coins, platinum and many more types of precious metals. You can always go to the shop and get a price on your jewelry pieces that your looking to sell.
When you are looking to get some extra cash this way, it is definitely a good idea to take a look around town to see what different offers you get on your piece. You could lose out big time if one place offers you 200$ when right up the street they would have given you 400$! Pricing the different buyers in the area will show you who is paying the best and get the most money in your pocket. Because if you are out there trying to get some extra money for it, you surely want to get the most you can. You know of one diamond buyer in Edmond you can check out if you are visiting or live in that area. Get the extra money in your pocket to do something nice for yourself or family.