When to Hire a Family Law Attorney in Spokane Valley, WA

by | Oct 23, 2015 | Law Services

Washington families face immeasurable amounts of life events that require legal representation, ranging from divorce to fighting against deadbeat parents. A family law attorney in Spokane Valley, WA helps these families navigate through these legalities and circumstances.

Filing for a Divorce

Couples who wish to file for a divorce are restricted to irretrievable breakdown as the grounds; they cannot use any fault-based grounds in divorce proceedings. These couples must establish residency in the state of Washington before filing a motion for divorce. Equally, if either party feels coerced into filing for a divorce may report these actions to the court.

These couples must find an agreement when filing for divorce, and if they are unable to do so, the court requires them to attend mediation, which is the final opportunity to maintain control over their divorce. Mediation requires them to meet with their attorneys and review the terms of the divorce, and if it fails, a divorce trial is scheduled. These proceedings could take up to two years to complete.

Fighting for Child Custody

Child custody is awarded according to the most appropriate setting for the child. Most courts try to balance child custody between the parents by awarding joint custody, which provides equal time with each parent.

If either parent poses a risk to the child, the opposing parent may file a claim for sole custody. If the parent has an existing protection order, they could acquire this assignment. The court evaluates the conditions identified in the order, and if they still exist, the judge must take measures to protect the victims.

Enforcing Child Support Orders

After custody is assigned, the judge identifies the value of child support. The non-custodial parent is required by law to provide this support. If they fail they are in contempt of court, and if they don’t catch up any overdue support payments the judge may file a warrant for their arrest.

Washington families need assistance from lawyers in a variety of circumstances, among which are divorce, child custody arrangements, and filing a claim when support payments aren’t made. Those who need help can hire a family law attorney in Spokane Valley, WA by visiting Jcooney.com today.

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