When Hit by a Distracted Driver, Call an Auto Accident Attorney in Fort Worth

by | May 19, 2014 | Lawyers & Law Firms

Unfortunately for those who drive safely on the roads, every day there are many people who drive while distracted. Whether they’re eating, putting on make-up, texting their friends or just trying to find a good song on the radio, they are not paying attention to where they are going. In many cases, this leads to a car accident. The other driver is now going to have to seek medical care, pay for car repairs, and possibly lose time from work, all because the distracted driver was negligent and not paying attention to what they were doing.

Thankfully for the driver who was hit, they can hire an Auto Accident Attorney Fort Worth has to offer in order to help them get compensation for the accident. By proving that the at fault driver was driving while distracted and caused the accident, the at fault driver will be responsible for all of the person they hit’s bills relating to the car accident. These bills can include short and long term medical bills, car repairs or replacement, time lost from work, and pain and suffering.

The distraction of the at fault driver can be proven in a few different ways. In some cases, they may confess to causing the accident to the police who arrive at the accident scene. However, if they claim innocent, there are other ways to prove negligence. If there were any witnesses to the accident, they can speak on account of what they saw caused the accident. On a busy road near businesses, there may be security cameras will a full view of the car accident, showing clearly who caused it.

If you’ve been involved in a car accident where the person who hit you was distracted, you may be able to get compensation for everything you need resulting from the accident. By speaking with an Auto Accident Attorney Forth Worth has to offer, such as David S Kohm, you may be able to prove the negligence of the at fault driver and receive compensation for your medical bills, car repairs, loss of work and anything else that you have to pay as a result of the car accident. Click here for more information.

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