When Do You Need To Hire A Keller, TX Car Accident Attorney?

by | Jan 16, 2014 | Lawyers & Law Firms

Vehicular accidents make up most of the personal injury claims that are made every year in the United States. This is not surprising information considering the fact that there is an automobile accident happening every 10 seconds somewhere in the United States. While it is possible for an automobile accident to be no one’s fault, most of the time one driver is to blame for the accident.

The need to hire a Keller, TX Car Accident Attorney and file a personal injury claim arises when negligence or recklessness are involved in an automobile accident. Negligence is defined as a failure to use a reasonable amount of care while you are driving. When a person operating a vehicle is found to be negligent, they may be required to pay for the damages or injuries that the accident causes. The individual who is injured would be required to prove that the other driver was negligent in order to receive that money.

The Keller, TX Car Accident Attorney that you hire will need to be able to prove without a shadow of a doubt that the other driver caused the accident if you want to receive financial compensation. This can be a difficult task because not all causes of automobile accidents are obvious. Furthermore, it is in human nature to blame the other person for an accident. Your Keller, TX Car Accident Attorney is going to look at pictures, witness statements, traffic laws, and police reports in order to determine who was at fault.

Did you know that every 30 minutes there is someone who passes away in the United States because they are in an alcohol related accident? If you get injured in an accident because the other driver was intoxicated you are absolutely entitled to compensation. The spouse and children of someone who is killed in a drunk driving accident would also be entitled to compensation. While a drunk driving would be an open and shut case, you should still hire a lawyer to make sure that you are offered the amount of money that you deserve. It is not uncommon for the defendant to try to give you a low-ball offer in order to settle the matter quickly.

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