Tension headaches, migraines, and sinus headaches can all have similar symptoms, so it can be hard to figure out which type a person has. Many people mistake migraines for sinus headaches. Without knowing the type of a headache, it can be more difficult to determine the proper treatment.
Symptoms usually occur early in the morning and may resolve somewhat by afternoon. They include a throbbing pain toward the front of the face and head, such as behind the eyes, a tender face, worsening pain with sudden movements or temperature changes, and congestion. These infections may also cause a discolored discharge from the nose, bad breath, and a decreased sense of smell. Some people also experience teeth pain, fever, sore throat, and fatigue. Unlike migraines, these headaches don’t usually get worse due to light or sound.
Those with a history of asthma or allergies or who go swimming or diving often may be more likely to develop a Sinus Headache. People with swollen nasal passages, a cleft palate, bone spurs, or facial tumors may also have an increased risk. These headaches are usually due to inflammation or congestion of the sinuses. The inflammation blocks the sinuses, making it harder for any mucus to drain and making it more likely for bacteria or viruses to grow quickly and cause an infection.
Speak with a doctor to determine the best treatment for this type of a headache, as some of the potential treatments aren’t safe for people with certain health conditions. Reducing congestion can help treat a Sinus Headache. Saline nasal spray, a humidifier, and breathing steam can be beneficial for this purpose. In some cases, a doctor may prescribe medications, including decongestants, antihistamines, triptans, nasal corticosteroids or antibiotics. People sometimes try acupuncture, homeopathy or herbal remedies such as Sinupret, probiotics, bromelain or quercetin as well, although the evidence for their use is still preliminary.
When these methods don’t work, it could be a case of chronic sinusitis, in which case the doctor may recommend surgery to remove any obstructions or widen the sinus opening. An ENT specialist, such as those found at our website, can help with this.
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