What You Should Know About Flat Rate Fees

by | May 8, 2014 | Lawyer

It can be useful and sometimes more practical to use an attorney that will offer a flat rate legal fee. This fee is fixed and is usually for a single service performed. This fee is set prior to representation. With a flat rate, the client doesn’t have to be overly concerned with time or have to analyze their bill for inaccuracies or discrepancies. Hourly billing doesn’t give you this type of freedom. Hourly billing means that you may be charged for things such as the time it takes to prepare for your case, traveling to and from court, time in court, consultations and possibly even the time it may take to add up your fees. This is nonsense. It is possible to include these fees in a flat fee rather than itemizing each thing. When you are billed hourly, sometimes it is necessary to consult with someone about the fees on your bill. A fixed fee allows you the freedom to call, email or meet with your attorney, whenever you need to without worrying about them billing you for the call. Hiring an attorney that will charge a flat fee might just eliminate your need to hire a legal fee consultant.

Benefits of Flat Rate Legal Expenses

With this sort of billing system the client will know, up front, the exact amount of their financial obligation. They will know all of the details involved in the services that their attorney will render. Clients are able to control their spending without worrying about hidden charges or escalating fees. Everything, including administrative fees, are included in your expenses. Knowing what your expenses will be, up front, allows you to hire a good attorney for a price that you can afford. You can definitely shop around for the one that you would like to handle your case since many offer fixed rate services. One of the best things about the flat fee is that your attorney will be able to spend as much time as necessary on your case. You wouldn’t want to start using a service without knowing that you can afford it in the end. This is a waste of time for you and the service you hired to represent you. There is no doubt that you can receive quality representation even if you are reluctant to use a legal service that doesn’t offer you a set rate.

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