What You Need to Know About Root Canal in Dubuque

by | Mar 14, 2014 | Dentist

Root canal is the specialty of dentistry that is concerned with eliminating infections from the root canals of the teeth and restoring the supporting tissues to health. Root Canal in Dubuque helps to save teeth that have been damaged by decay, abscess, fractures, etc. It entails removing the the damaged or infected pulp from the infected tooth. Root canal treatment helps to save a tooth that would otherwise be extracted. Even though the pulp is removed, the tooth is still anchored in the bone and can be used for biting and chewing
Root canal therapy is done by making an opening into the crown of the tooth. The pulp is removed from the pulp chamber and the root canals. The root canals are then cleaned and sealed with an inert material and the access opening is covered with a permanent filling. In most cases, a crown is placed on the tooth.

A root canal therapy can sometimes be completed in a single visit but often several visits are needed. The back teeth require more time for the treatment because they have more root canals and are also harder to reach. During the treatment, X-rays are taken at each stage to assess the positions as well as the lengths of the canals.

The root canal treated teeth are usually more brittle than the normal teeth; however, with proper care and restoration they can last for many years. Proper care should include a proper diet, regular brushing, flossing and going for dental checkups after every six months. Generally, root canal treatments play a vital role in repairing decayed teeth and preventing their loss. The treatment also helps to prevent bacteria and toxins from getting into the bloodstream via the diseased teeth and thereby leading to other health problems.

A Root Canal in Dubuque therapy is performed by a qualified dentist. The treatment is not nearly painful as most people imagine. It is performed when the tooth’s nerve tissues are already dead. Since all the sensory perception is delivered by this nerve tissue, the fact that it is dead means that the treatment can be performed without anesthetic. Therefore, root canals are nothing to fear.

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