What to Know About Kratom for Pain Relief

by | Jul 14, 2023 | Herb shop

People often use kratom for pain relief. Kratom is an evergreen tree that grows natively in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other areas in southeast Asia. The native and indigenous people in SE Asia have used this plant for centuries to help them with different ailments, including using kratom for anxiety.

They used to pick the leaves and chew on them, similar to how people would chew tobacco. This caused the active ingredients to be absorbed, bringing elevated mood, more energy, and feelings of mild euphoria.

How Kratom Helps with Pain

People often want to know if they can try kratom for pain relief. Some people do try it in place of pharmaceuticals. It is able to influence neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, and more. This can lead to some relief from pain. Some of the alkaloids in kratom bind to the receptors in the brand and body’s opioid system, which helps people relax, feel relief from pain, and more.

There are different strains of kratom, and they are divided by the color of the veins in the leaves. Each one affects people differently, so it is a good idea to know about them before choosing kratom products.

Kratom Strains

The kratom vein colors are red, green, and white. Red is considered the best kratom for pain relief. Red kratom has a higher concentration of the alkaloid that helps with pain relief. This strain is also known for its sedating effects.

People can choose to take capsules of powder, and the red vein kratom uses mature leaves that are dried in the sun, so they turn darker. In general, red kratom is known for promoting relaxation, calmness, mood improvement, and pain relief.

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