What to Know About DWIs and Hiring a DWI Attorney

by | Oct 12, 2012 | Law Services

DWI Lawyer Austin Texas

DWI Lawyer Austin Texas

A DWI or Driving While Intoxicated is a very serious crime in the United States. Unfortunately, it is also a very common crime and one of the most prevalent crimes in the country right now. While no one ever expects to get caught with a DWI and most people do not think that they are being a danger on the road when driving while intoxicated, it is important to remember that mistakes can be made and a DWI can impact nearly anyone. This is why it is important for you to know what to do if you are ever in a situation where you are being charged with a DWI.

The first thing to know is what a DWI is. A DWI occurs when you are legally ‘intoxicated’ and you do not have the normal use of your mental or physical functions because of the presence of alcohol or a controlled substance that is in your system. If you are caught while driving in this state then you will be given a DWI. Legally, you are intoxicated if you have a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or more. If you are stopped by an officer you will likely be asked to do a field sobriety test. You have the legal right to refuse this test. You will also be asked on the spot to give a sample of your blood or breath to test your alcohol levels.

If you are asked to do this after being pulled over, you will always want to refuse and ask

DWI Lawyer Austin Texas

DWI Lawyer Austin Texas

to speak to a professional DWI attorney right away. A professional DWI attorney will be your ally during this entire process. You will want to call someone in who can come to your aid right away and tell you how to proceed. This is why it is always smart to know of a local DWI attorney beforehand so you know just who to call if you are involved in a situation like this. A professional attorney will be able to be at your side shortly and help you decide the best way to move forward. They will provide you with legal advice and recommendations on how to move forward with the process on the spot.

They will also provide you with expert legal advice should you be charged with a DWI. With a DWI attorney you can learn the best way to handle a court related issue and issues with suspended licensing so that you can get come away with your situation with the best outcome possible. While DWIs are taken very seriously in the United States and you will likely have repercussions to deal with a professional DWI attorney will help you get the best outcome possible.

DWI Lawyer Austin Texas – Looking for a DWI lawyer in Austin, TX? If so then contact the professionals at Nichols & Gill, P.C. Attorneys at law online at Web to learn more.

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