BODY: If your child has never seen any children’s dentists before, he or she might have some anxiety about the idea. The best thing you can do is prepare your child for the visit so that he is not as anxious about what is to come. After all, the fear of the unknown is usually worse than the actual even itself. Here are some things you and your child can expect from his first visit to any of the children’s dentists in your area.
Most dentists like to see children as soon as they start getting teeth. That could even be before your child’s first birthday. At that age, the child will not really understand what is going on and you will not have to explain as much. For the most part, the children’s dentists are just looking for anything that is abnormal in your child’s mouth so he knows what to watch for in the future. You might also discuss preventative dental care and health habits that you can carry out at home.
Once your child is older, he likely understands a little bit more what goes on at the children’s dentists offices. He might be afraid because he does not know the dentist very well and he is not used to having people poke around in his mouth. In order to keep your child calm, bring along some of his favorite comfort toys like a stuffed animal or blanket. You will also be able to sit beside him and hold his hand. Reassure him that no one is going to hurt him and you and his toy will be right there the whole time to make sure of it. As he grows and ages, he will become less fearful when the visit to the children’s dentists become predictable and routine.
Much of the first visit to the pediatric dentist will be going over your child’s basic health. The dentist will want to know about any health conditions your child might have because some of these conditions can affect oral health as well. Once you give the medical information to the dentist, he or she can start the oral exam and take note of anything unusual about your child’s oral or overall health.
Don’t forget to tell your child that when he is done, most children’s dentists have special rewards to assign to him if he does well and cooperates. Those items might be things like stickers, special toothbrushes, or even sugar free suckers or other items. If you are unsure that there will be an award, take some of your own so that you can show your child what he gets when he does well with the children’s dentists.
If your child has never been to the dentist before, check out the website for the children’s dentists in Collegeville, for appointments and other tips