Everyone makes mistakes. When you find yourself arrested on suspicion of OWI, or operating while intoxicated, the way you respond to the accusations can impact your overall consequences. Learn more about what to do after getting arrested for an OWI in West Allis.
Assert Your Rights
The arresting officers may request information and actions from you during the arrest. It’s your responsibility to assert your rights when you know that they are overstepping their bounds. Assert your rights, such as denying a field sobriety test and waiting to speak until you have the opportunity to speak to a lawyer.
Stay Respectful
Even when asserting your rights, you need to remain respectful throughout the interaction and any subsequent court proceedings. It’s also best to stay quiet about the incident online. The prosecutor will be able to use anything you say against you in court. If you are found guilty, the judge may give you a harsher punishment if you demonstrate insubordinate behavior.
Document the Interaction
Pay close attention to everything that happens during your arrest from the moment you get pulled over until you leave the police station. If possible, record the interaction or insist that police wear functional bodycams. The more information you have, the better prepared your lawyer will be to create a defense for you.
Contact an OWI Lawyer in West Allis
When you get arrested, you need to contact an OWI lawyer in West Allis at your first opportunity. Your lawyer will be able to guide you in what to do during your arrest.
If you need a DUI lawyer, schedule a consultation with The Law Office of Michael Hayes, LLC.