There may be a time when an institution, perhaps your bank will send you off to a notary in Lancaster, PA to have a document notarized. There are many people who may have heard of the term “notary” but are not familiar with what it means or where to find a notary.
The document:
A notarized document is one which contains the seal or stamp of an individual who has been granted the right to notarize documents by the state. What is being notarized is the signature of the person swearing that the document is legitimate. The notary will actually watch as you actually sign the document, he will confirm through valid ID that you are who you say you are and then he or she will sign the document. This act can guarantee to the bank or any other individual that it was really you who signed the document and not an imposter.
How to get a document notarized:
Many financial institutions have a notary on-staff and if you are an account holder, you can usually make use of their service at little or no fee. Otherwise, a notary in Lancaster, PA can be found in law offices, tax preparation companies, car dealers and companies authorized by the state DOT to offer licensing services. Once you have found the notary all you have to do is sign in front of him or her after you have proved to the satisfaction of the notary that you are the person you say you are. The notary will require a photo ID such as your passport or drivers license. The notary has every right to refuse service if he is not comfortable with what you say and show as proof.
The document that requires notarizing must be signed in front of the notary, do not sign a document elsewhere and expect it to be notarized, it won’t.
Most notaries charge a fee for their service, the fee is modest, usually in the area of $10. The notary does have expenses to operate, he has to pay a substantial fee to the state every four years and he must maintain knowledge on the ever changing laws and they must keep immaculate records of every transaction they notarize for future reference if needed.
Abel Notary Service LLC is a notary in Lancaster, PA. You are free to call upon them for any and all notarization of legal documents.