What Constitutes A Chronic Migraine?

by | Mar 1, 2014 | Healthcare

If you have a migraine headache which lasts for at least 15 days in a month and this goes on for three months, this is considered as chronic migraine pain. A migraine is not the same as a normal headache, with a migraine the blood vessels in the head actually expand rather than contract as they do in a normal headache. A migraine problem can be an excruciating experience; some with chronic problems experience them every day.

There are different pains associated with a migraine as well as various symptoms. Many sufferers of chronic migraine feel pain either behind one or both eyes or on one side of the head or the other. The pain is very specific and causes a throbbing sensation or a sharp pain. Some of the symptoms expressed by those who suffer are sensitivity to light or sound, nausea, neck pain and vomiting. There are some sufferers who report flashes of light and spots in front of their eyes as well as having blurred vision.

Once a physician has diagnosed chronic migraine pain, in many cases he or she will order a CAT scan and blood tests. These tests are run to ensure the doctor that the patient does not suffer from any other disease or disorder which may be the cause of the migraines. Some sufferers will be sent to a neurologist for further testing.

Although there are treatments for chronic migraine pain, for the physician to suggest treatment the patient is first asked to keep a journal. This journal contains information about the foods eaten, exercise taken, sleep patterns and even the weather. The journal information is used by the doctor to rule out any specific causes that may be responsible for triggering the headache.

It has been found that wine or any spirits may be a trigger, as well as cheese, sour cream MSG and chocolate. Environmental factors such as changes in air pressure or the weather are also triggers that set off the migraine.

Treatments for chronic migraine pain include prescription drugs such as beta-blockers, medication to control blood pressure and maintaining proper posture. A chronic migraine pain sufferer can often reduce the associated pain by resting in a darkened room or using an ice pack on the head.

Research has shown that restoring the spines natural curve enhances nerve function which in turn can reduce or even prevent chronic migraine pain. For more in depth information visit Spinal Curve Solutions.

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