Causes of Drug Addiction
The causes of addiction are numerous and complicated. Many believe that
diseases have a great deal to do with genetics, and that illnesses tend to
run in families. Others feel that the development of drug addiction and/or
alcoholism has to do with one’s upbringing and the environment in which one
is raised. Most experts think that the answer is; it is probably a
combination of Nature and Nurture; i.e. our genetic and environmental past.
It does appear the drug addiction does run in families. One thing that is
known for sure is; the sooner one addresses a problem with addiction, the
better the long term outcome.
Peer Pressure
It is common to be exposed to various substances during the teenage years.
In addition, adolescents can be influenced by their peer groups and if one
group member tries something, others tend to want to give it a try as well.
Not feeling like one is “fitting in” can be quite distressful for a young
person, and for that reason, many also succumb to peer pressure and will go
ahead and do things which are unhealthy or even reckless and dangerous.
Then for some, an addiction process sadly begins, which will then continue
on during the life of the individual.
Sad Life Problems
The use and abuse of mind altering substances can make one feel happiness
or give a good feeling. Since lots of folks already have very stressful
life situations, feeling better from taking a drug or drinking alcohol may
be a welcome relief. Teenagers are especially prone to stress in their
lives and drugs can cause them to feel better, which of course, reinforces
the person to want to experience the good felling again and again. Then for
some, before they know it, they have a problem with addiction(s). Some,
unfortunately, will eventually die from an overdose.
The degree to which a drug of abuse is readily available plays very
important role in the development of an addiction. While there is an
epidemic of drug abuse, drugs to abuse may be more or less available,
depending on the neighborhood. And even though there are certainly a lot of
drugs out on the streets; some streets have a relatively great deal more
drugs available. Some areas drugs are harder to come by. Let’s face it, we
all probably know about where the bad parts of town are. Most avoid such
areas. Drug addicts are aware of such areas and know that by going to such
a place, one can “score” some drugs.
Do You Know Someone Suffering from Drug Addiction?
If you live in the Hattiesburg, Mississippi area and are or know someone
who is addicted to drugs, please go to The Drug and Alcohol Detox Clinic of
South Mississippi . The doctors and staff there understand and want to help.
Call them today at Call. There”s Still Hope! You can follow them on Twitter for latest news and updates!