Weighing The Options Of A New Or Refurbished DC Motor

by | Oct 10, 2019 | Electric Motor Store

In many types of industrial and commercial applications, DC motors offer several benefits over their AC motor counterparts. Understanding the benefits of the DC motor over the AC motor is only one issue, and there is also the choice of purchasing a new or refurbished motor.

In most new plants and facilities, it is logical to choose a new DC motor However, over time, this motor will eventually reach the end of its life cycle, which typically starts with an increased need for repairs.

At this point, the choice is to continue to repair or to make the option to replace. This is actually a relatively simple decision that can be done on a cost analysis basis. Consider the replacement cost of the motor, and if the repairs are more than the replacement cost, it is not cost-effective to continue putting money into a motor that is failing.

New or Refurbished?

The next choice is to determine if the best option is a new or refurbished motor. Most of the DC motors of the same size, ratings and capacity can be interchanged in a system, and it is often possible to choose a top of the line DC motor that has been refurbished to OEM standards at a fraction of the cost of a new motor. However, if you have a unique type of motor, choosing a refurbished model eliminates the need to change anything in the system, making the replacement a cost-effective option.

The advantage of a new motor is the warranty and the long life cycle moving forward. However, there is also a much larger price tag on the equipment. If there is time to shop around, it is possible to find a new, low usage refurbished motor that can provide an extended life cycle and allow the company to save for a new motor in the future.

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