Ways To Meet New People in Boston

by | Dec 29, 2016 | Dating

Moving to a new city can be a stressful situation, and even if you’re thrilled and excited by all the new opportunities, it can get a little overwhelming. Especially when it comes down to making friends in a big city, it can be hard to know where to start. Thankfully, there are more opportunities than ever to get involved in your new community and meet people.

Community Events

As these are usually sponsored or endorsed by the city itself, community events are not only a great way to get to know other citizens, but also to learn about the history and culture of Boston itself. Boston.gov has a page listing a variety of annual or community events, and there is plenty of variety to cover all interests and tastes. Go a step further and hunt down the local farmer’s market or art gallery, and chat with the vendors or curators there. Some galleries may even sell pieces from resident artists, which is another great way to support the local creative scene.

Dating Sites

If you’re single and romantically inclined, a local dating service is another great way to get to know local, like-minded people. Most sites will try to match you based on interests and what you want in a partner, but other matchmaking services in Boston narrow the field even further with their exclusive, career-oriented matchmaking services. Even if the date doesn’t work out, you’ve at least made a new friend or business contact, or found a new favorite restaurant to visit with the help of Boston matchmaking services.


No better way to get in touch with the altruistic members of your community than with some good old fashioned service. Several job-seeking websites or places like BostonVolunteer can offer you a variety of volunteer opportunities, as well as investigating your choice of national charities for their local branches. Volunteering can offer a new perspective on your life, as well as some great tax write-offs should you choose to donate items or money.

The Must List

