Want a Smooth Colonoscopy? Prepare With a Liquid Diet

by | Nov 7, 2017 | Healthcare

A clear liquid diet for colonoscopy prep is the number one thing you can do as a patient to ensure a smooth procedure. On the day before – and the day before – your colonoscopy, you will be put on a clear liquid diet. Don’t worry though! It’s not as bad as it sounds. Before the colonoscopy, you should do some shopping. A clear liquid diet doesn’t mean drinking just water, Sprite, or 7up. Let’s take a look at some items that should be included in your clear liquid diet for colonoscopy prep – and some items that you need to avoid.

What Can I Drink In My Clear Liquid Diet?

The day before your procedure you will be asked not to consume any solid foods and to only consume “clear” liquids – though they aren’t always clear. Obviously, water is the number one recommendation, but it is not all you are limited to. Sports drinks, such as Gatorade and Powerade, are wonderful for the fasting period and will help keep you hydrated and get some electrolytes in you. Light colored fruit juices are also a good choice; apple juice and white grape juice are suggested. Broth – beef, chicken, or vegetable – is a wonderful drink and can also satisfy the need for a savory taste while fasting. If you need some carbonation, clear sodas like Sprite and 7up are also permissible.

What Should I Avoid?

It is imperative you do not consume any alcoholic beverages or milk. Other drinks to stay away from are dark colored juices with red, blue and purple dye. Very acidic juices are also a bad idea, such as orange juice. Anything else with cream or dairy – milkshakes, smoothies, ice cream – should be avoided.

How Do I Prepare for My Diet?

About 3-5 days before you go on your clear liquid diet, it is recommended that you eat carb-heavy food such as white bread, pasta, and rice. It is also recommended that you pick up moist wipes, diaper cream, any necessary prescriptions, and some low fiber snacks. Taking care of running to the store for these items beforehand will ensure both a successful clear liquid diet for colonoscopy prep and a successful colonoscopy overall!

Digestive Disease Consultants of Jacksonville, Florida specializes in all gastrointestinal care. Their experienced gastroenterological staff can help with both treatment and preventative measures of all gastrointestinal dysfunctions and diseases.

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