Using Veterinarians in Fort Wayne Indiana to Treat Your Pet

by | Feb 16, 2015 | Animal Hospitals

The pre-surgical screening for general surgeries are usually free, all you have to do is take an hour with the vet to see what is wrong with the pet and how they can fix it. If an operation is needed, however, examinations laboratory and imaging (radiographs and ultrasounds) may be considered necessary as well. Below are a few of the specialty surgeries that are performed by Veterinarians in Fort Wayne Indiana – Orthopedic surgeries consisting of osteo-synthesis, osteotomy of the femoral head and neck, patellar luxation surgery, cruciate ligament surgery, scapula-humeral dislocation surgery; Soft Tissue Surgeries consisting of gastrotomy, gastrectomy, gastric torsion, enterotomy, removal of tumors, upright ear canal ablation, exploratory laparotomy, abdominal hernias, and so on. This article will point out a few of the more common surgeries performed by your local vet.


This type of sterilization involves removing the ovaries and uterus of female dogs or cats. It is a procedure that requires general anesthesia and most often is ambulatory, meaning that your pet may be taken home the same day as the surgery. Do you need to spay or neuter your dog? For those who wonder if canine sterilization is recommended for your pet, ask your local Veterinarians in Fort Wayne Indiana about the various advantages of sterilized pets.


This type of sterilization, also known as castration or neutering, involves the removal of the testicles of dogs or cats. It is a low risk procedure that requires general anesthesia and most often is ambulatory, meaning that your pet may go home the same day. The main advantages that occur in sterilizing the male are that it prevents your pet from “marking their territory”, getting into fights, etc. With respect to the dog’s health, it also prevents diseases such as testicular tumors, enlarged prostate, and the like.


Splenectomy is a surgical procedure that removes part or all of a damaged or diseased spleen. Whether by neoplasms (tumors) or by a specific disease that affects the spleen, it is sometimes necessary to remove it. This is the case when it becomes too large (splenomegaly), where blood clots occur (thrombosis), following spontaneous rupture, severe trauma, etc. An example of trauma could be a person hitting the animal in the abdomen or it being hit by a car.

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