Understanding the Mediation Process in Northern Virginia

by | Oct 22, 2013 | Law Services

There are many legal situations which could benefit from the mediation process. Mediation is a way for both parties to sit down together and discuss the details of a legal case. This can sometimes prevent the case from having to be heard before a judge, though this is not always possible. The attorney in your case will often use the mediation process to settle a case outside of court. When this is not effective, the case must be scheduled in the court and decided on by a judge. Understanding the process for Mediation in Northern Virginia can help you to be better prepared for your case.
What Happens During a Mediation?

During a mediation, the parties in a case will meet with a third party who is not a part of the case. This third party is the mediator and will oversee the mediation process, encouraging communication from both sides. The mediator does not push the sides to come to an agreement, but rather encourages each party to work together so a court hearing might be avoided.

In the mediation process, neither party has to agree. If an agreement cannot be reached, the parties will settle their case in court. When working with a lawyer, the lawyer will represent you in the mediation process, speaking with the other party’s representation and trying to work towards an amicable settlement in the case. Some people end up going through the mediation process alone. It is advisable you meet with an attorney and learn about your legal rights before you enter into any type of mediation meeting. This can help to make sure your rights are protected.

What Kinds of Cases Can Be Solved Through Mediation?

  • Non-criminal cases
  • Disputes that are not legal in nature
  • Family disputes
  • Business disputes

If you are in the midst of a legal battle or dealing with a dispute Click here. To learn more about how mediation might can help in your case, contact the law offices of Goldenberg & Phillips today. They will be glad to assist you through the mediation process and give you the representation that you need.



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