Understanding the Basics of Vibration Analysis in San Antonio

by | Jan 21, 2019 | Industrial Goods and Services

Vibration analysis is the most commonly used method for analyzing the condition of industrial equipment in real time. This technologically advanced solution is far more efficient than traditional means of maintaining machinery as it is both faster and more accurate.

Vibration Analysis in San Antonio can be used to diagnose misalignment, defective bearings, loose parts, and other common issues before they lead to costly equipment failures and unnecessary downtime. Many factory managers don’t really understand how it works and why it’s necessary, though. While a comprehensive, scientific understanding of this process isn’t really necessary it may be a good idea for those who are completely clueless to at least find out the basics of what vibration analysis is and how it works.

Data Collection

Vibration Analysis in San Antonio allows technicians to obtain a full-spectrum vibration signature for the machines being analyzed. The process of vibration measurement can be divided into four general categories. These are known as time domain, frequency domain, joint domain, and modal analysis and each of them provides different types of information on the condition of the machine.

Time Domain

This methodology involves detecting the performance of parts. Data collected during a time domain analysis will include peak part performance, average performance, and envelope values of vibration amplitude. The values obtained during vibration analysis can be compared to standard threshold values to determine whether the part is performing as intended.

Frequency Domain

The data collected during this stage of vibration analysis is divided by frequency components. This allows local parts to be identified using a process called signature analysis. The data collected during this stage will be combined with the data from the time domain analysis described above to provide a more comprehensive view of whether the part is functioning as intended during the joint domain phase.

Modal Analysis

Modal analysis allows technicians to study the machine’s properties when they are in a state of vibration excitation. It allows them to estimate mass, damping, stiffness, and other properties of the parts in question.

Get Started Today

At this point, it should be clear that the field of vibration analysis is quite complex. That’s why there are companies that specialize in laser machine alignment. Click Here to get in touch with one that can help today.

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