Understanding Signs of Negligence and Abuse with the Help of a Round Lake Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer

by | Mar 14, 2018 | Law

No one wants to contemplate it, but there may come a time when our elderly loved ones can no longer care for themselves. In this instance, it may be necessary to admit them to a nursing home, where they can receive the assistance and care they need. The problem is that nursing home neglect seems to be on the rise. A Round Lake nursing home neglect lawyer can help you identify the signs of neglect and abuse, and plot a course toward a legal resolution, but it is important that you can identify those signs in the first place.

Bed Sores

One of the most common signs a Round Lake nursing home neglect lawyer will recommend looking for is the development of bed sores in bed-bound patients. This is a good sign that your loved one is not receiving the care that he or she deserves. Bed sores are skin lesions that develop when the skin is in constant contact with bedding or another surface. They can develop from mere irritations to serious conditions that require surgery to close. A bed-bound patient must be turned regularly to prevent the development of bed sores, and failure to turn the patient (proper care) can result in serious injuries and even lead to death.

Other Signs of Neglect

Bed sores are just one of the many signs of neglect that a Round Lake nursing home neglect lawyer might help you identify. Others include a lack of hygiene – if your loved one is not being washed and groomed, or provided with the help he or she needs to clean themselves regularly. Look for clothing that has not been changed, unkempt or dirty hair, unbathed body and more. Other signs of nursing home neglect can include sudden weight loss not related to a medical condition, or a lack of cleaning around the room in which your loved one stays at the facility.

The Help You Need

If you suspect that your loved one is being neglected, mistreated or abused, then working with a Round Lake nursing home neglect lawyer is vital. We invite you to call the law offices of Robert T. Edens, P.C., today to schedule a consultation to discuss your situation. There is no reason for your loved one to experience neglect or abuse at the hands of those charged with providing care.

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