Good fences make good neighbors is a common saying. This only holds true if you have the right type of fence. If you have ever had a next-door neighbor who has decided to put up an inappropriate fence, you will understand. Sometimes it is the matter of shoddy construction. Other times it has been the choice of material. Many of the wood fences in Riverside easily fall into either category. When it comes to selecting the proper wood fence for your property, it is essential you understand that one type of wood fence is not suitable for all properties.
The First Question – Function or Purpose
When it comes to picking the right type of fence, you need to consider the purpose. You need to ask yourself the question, “What am I going to use the fence for?” The answer will govern your choice of design, height and appearance. In fact, the answer may lead you to abandon wood altogether. You may discover wood fences are not the answer if the issue is security, keeping out predators on a farm or controlling livestock.
Yet, questioning your motives on erecting a wooden fence can also clarify your intent to use wood. If you want to create a rustic look, wood may provide the right look. If the ideal is to create a sense of place e.g. cabin, cottage, wood fencing can accomplish this.
Basic Types of Wood Fences
Wooden fences come in all sizes and shapes. The materials also vary from aromatic cedar to tough oak. Sometimes classification is the result of purpose and design. It can become all about esthetics or indicate a specific look. Consider the types of wood fences below.
1. Split Rail – used appropriately to provide a rustic look. When erected appropriately, they zigzag across the property. They often add character to any home with a Southwestern style. Even basic Ranch houses can benefit from a properly installed split rail fence.
2. Lattice – Constructed in a lattice pattern, this is ideal for concealing unsightly outdoor items such as air conditioners as well as providing a degree of privacy. These best work as screens. Plants can be placed around or trained to climb up them.
3. Picket – usually associated with an English Cottage or the stereotypical American concept of home. These are suitable for decorative purposes but not for security. Commonly painted white, these little spikes raise only 4’ in height. There are several excellent examples of these wood fences in Riverside.
4. Privacy – The height of these fences depends upon local building bylaws or codes. Typically, such wooden fences are between 5 and 7 feet tall. Common sources are cedar, cypress, oak or pine trees. The wooden slats may overlap to prevent anyone seeing into your yard – usually the back yard.
5. Stockade Fence – A solid, tall wooden fence with no gaps, it is ideal for privacy and security. Also acts as a sound barrier.
6. Sound Barriers – Wood fences act as excellent sound barrier.
When it comes to wood fences, Riverside is a perfect example of both decorative and practical uses. However, circumstances do exist where wood fences do not provide the right solution. This could be a matter of purpose or esthetics. To prevent this from happening, consider why you want a fence then talk to an expert.
No matter what type of fence you are looking to install, talk to the experts at Fence Factory. They specialize in providing customers with the advice they need – including installing the right Wood Fences in Riverside. Have a look at what we can do for you at site.