Insurance agents don’t get a lot of credit. Obviously, there are some character traits that makes one more suitable than another. If you are looking for good commercial insurance agents in Suffolk County NY, here are the top qualities you should always be on the lookout for in an agent.
1. Opportunistic
The term opportunistic is seen as a negative, however, opportunism isn’t in of itself a negative. In this context, being opportunistic simply means being able to spot how to advance one’s career, or to make the company more successful with a client, or to make the relationship with that client better. A good insurance agent will know how to spot these sorts of things. A good insurance agent has a natural entrepreneurial spirit that knows a good deal when it sees one.
2. Business know-how
It stands to reason that insurance companies would choose someone who knows the business inside and out to be an agent. An insurance agent has good, long business and sales background, which they use to implement into their work. This lets them remember things that those of less experience would have to check with another department or look up on their computer off the top of their heads. The extent of this experience is what separates the merely good insurance agents, from the truly great.
3. Great communication skills
Being a liaison between an insurer and the insured, an insurance agent should be able to communicate clearly and concisely and in a way that the client will understand. That means knowing when to break down the jargon, and when to move on, when to get alone and when to get down to business etc. Good communication skills are paramount for a successful insurance agent to be able to do their job correctly and get ahead in their careers.
If you are looking for a staff of commercial insurance agents in Suffolk County who fit all three of these profiles for what makes a good agent, contact us at the Ginsberg Agency and meet with one of our agents.