As winter temperatures moderate and spring blooms shoot up, homeowners typically breathe a sigh of relief that their heating oil needs are done for the season. It’s certainly enjoyable to open windows or turn on air conditioners as the weather gets warmer, but the smart homeowner shouldn’t completely ignore heating needs until it’s time for an oil delivery several months down the road. Doing some planning ahead of time can help a homeowner lock in the best heating oil rates early so that there’s more discretionary income available later for the family.
There are several different options available to homeowners who heat their homes with oil. Many homeowners prefer to do business with a full-service heating oil delivery service in Stroudsburg PA that offers locked-in pricing. This type of pricing comes in two variations: fixed rate or price capped options. Fixed rate oil pricing sets the price a homeowner pays for heating oil for a full year. The price cap option sets the upper limit of the heating oil price a homeowner pays for a year, but the price can also be lowered if heating oil prices drop below a certain level. Locked-in pricing benefits both the customer and the heating oil service provider. The provider has a guaranteed contract and the customer can plan for known heating costs for the next year.
Homeowners also have the option of buying all of their heating oil before the season begins. The price of the oil is set on the day the contract is signed, and won’t go up when subsequent deliveries are made, even if the price rises substantially. Conversely, if the price heating oil drops significantly, the homeowner will lose money on the contract. Some homeowners prefer this option, however, as well as the option of purchasing heating oil as needed and paying the current price on delivery.
Working with a full-service Heating Oil Delivery Service in Stroudsburg PA is one of the best choices a homeowner can make. In addition to beneficial payment options, a heating oil delivery company can do routine maintenance as well as emergency service on the oil burner and other components of the heating oil system 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Click here to find out more about heating oil service in Stroudsburg.