Otolaryngology is an area of medical specialty that studies and treats conditions that affect the ears, nose, and throat. These doctors are also referred to as ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors. These doctors can diagnose and treat conditions like allergies, strep throat, ear infections, vocal box problems, laryngitis, sinusitis, hearing loss, and other conditions that affect the ears, nose, and throat.
A throat doctor in Naples provides home care solutions, prescription, surgical solutions, and other forms of treatments for diseases and illnesses that affect your throat. Here are some things that cause throat problems.
1) Allergies – People with nasal or respiratory allergies often experience throat problems They can get a sore throat, have problems swallowing, or feel as if the throat is closing up when an allergen triggers a sensitivity to a substance. Besides being part of the allergy, throat irritation may also occur since people with allergies often breathe through their mouth instead of their nose when they have congestion.
2) Cold – The common cold is often accompanied by a sore throat or throat irritation or infection. Soreness of the throat when you have a cold is usually worsened when you breathe through your mouth.
3) Laryngitis – Laryngitis is a viral infection that causes inflammation in the voice box resulting in hoarseness or the inability to talk. It can be brought on by other viruses like the common cold or it can be caused from prolonged talking, yelling, or singing. It is a temporary condition that usually goes away within a week or two.
4) Tonsillitis – Tonsillitis is a bacterial infection that affects the throat and may spread to the adenoids. It usually goes away on its own with home treatments and does not require medical attention. Chronic tonsillitis can result in tonsillectomy (tonsil removal) in severe cases.
5) Strep Throat – One of the most common throat conditions is strep throat. Strep is bacterial and can be very painful. It usually comes on suddenly and is accompanied by a fever of at least 101 degrees. It is often confused with tonsillitis.
These are common throat conditions diagnosed and treated by Throat doctor in Naples, Florida. Other throat conditions that require at least a diagnosis include mononucleosis, stomach acid (acid reflux), and chronic fatigue syndrome. Mark Montgomery MD, FACS is board certified in Otolaryngology and provides services for the treatment of conditions that affect the ears, nose, and throat.