Three Questions to Ask Before You List Your Business for Sale

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Business Services

Are you considering putting up your business for sale in Rochester, MN? If so, you’ll understand that this is a hard decision to make. If the business is doing poorly, do you cut your losses and sell or try to turn it around first? If you’re doing well, do you hold on and keep making money or use your success to attract buyers? Here are some questions that will help you decide.

What’s the Outlook for Your Sector?

Consider market trends before you list your business for sale. Rochester, MN submits data on economic indicators to bodies like the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can use these to check the health and outlook of your sector. You should also keep abreast of potential technological advancements or legislation that may affect your business.

Am I Needed by the Business?

There are two sides to this question. One one hand, think about whether the business has outgrown you. Maybe you were great in the start up, fund-raising stage, but now the business needs someone more inclined to maintaining market share. In this respect, if you’re not needed, sell and move on.

On the other hand, if you are needed in the sense that you are key to the operation of the business, you will find it hard to sell. Stay until you have developed teams and systems that can run it as well as you can.

Am I Still Passionate?

If your business is profitable, and you are passionate about it, why sell? To be making money doing something you love is the measure of success in many people’s eyes. Conversely, if you’re profitable, but you’re not passionate, why trade money for exhaustion, stress, and malaise? Better to sell and start something that you feel excited about.

Sometimes even a cold hard analysis of the finances doesn’t give you an obvious answer. If you’re thinking of putting up your business for sale in Rochester, MN, these questions will help you look to the future – both of your business and for yourself. Use the answers to guide your decision.

The Must List

