Thinking about Live in Care in Cambridge

by | Feb 5, 2013 | Health & Fitness

Cambridge is one of the UK’s oldest established cities, with a vast history, a beautiful University and, of course, some stunning scenery. It also has some of the best services for the elderly, to ensure that their quality of life does not decrease, regardless of their age. Live in care can be a most rewarding experience for many who would initially think otherwise.

It can be quite an intimidating experience to know that as one gets older and less able to do things for oneself, we might need some help. Many of the older generation will claim that they struggled through the war and always did things for themselves, but in reality, they just don’t want to admit that they can’t do as much as they used to. It is not an easy decision to make to have someone come and live in your home to help take care of you. Live in care does not have to equate to feeling as though you have a babysitter. It can actually be a fun experience that can result in mutual friendship and companionship, if a person’s mind is open to the idea. Most live in care services will try to match you with a carer who has similar interests, meaning that you can spend your days painting or knitting or cooking together and growing your friendship into something you may not have expected. It is also important that the person caring for you can live in your home to help you if you need to reach a high shelf or if you have a bad back or if you use a wheelchair to get around.

Growing older and still keeping the same high quality of life that you have been used to is very important. If you are still mentally sharp and you like to play board games you will need a live in carer who can play along with you and keep you mentally challenged. If you need extra support, such as someone to help you bathe, you will also want to know you can trust that person and know they make you feel comfortable. Live in care need not be an intimidating experience. It is not the end of life as you know it and in fact it could be a brand new door opening to you that might otherwise never have opened. It can be the chance to find a companion who will take you shopping, to the park, or even on holiday to make sure your needs are taken care of. If you are thinking of a live in care service, think about your own needs and how it can benefit you and your family.

If you are thinking of a live in care service, think about your own needs and how it can benefit you and your family. Get in touch with Caring 4 U.

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