There are a number of things to do if you have been involved in a car accident. The first thing you should do is make sure you collect insurance information from every driver involved. This is very important. Your insurance company will need the names of the other party’s insurer to check if their insurance policies are valid and for other reasons.
This will help you avoid paying a higher deductible and premium in the future if it is determined that another driver was actually negligent and caused the collision. It will also aid your Car Accident Lawyer in Enumclaw to gather appropriate information in the event you are involved in legal matters or a lawsuit because of nonpayment or reduced payment from the negligent party.
Be sure to take pictures of any damage done to your vehicle. This is important to do right after the accident has occurred. File a police report. If you fail to file a police report, this may come back to haunt you during a court case. The opposing party, judge, jury and the Car Accident Lawyer in Enumclaw for the opposing party may believe you were not injured if you failed to file a police report or you failed to go to the doctor if you claimed you were injured. If you have been injured, go see a doctor right away. If you wait days or weeks before you see a doctor and then claim you were injured, this will take away from your credibility and may cause you to lose any legal case.
Contact your insurance provider right away to file a claim. Not doing this can also come back to haunt you during a legal case. When you contact the insurance company provide them with every detail you can remember including the names of the other parties involved. The insurance company may have you send pictures and medical documentation to them as well. If you have a witness, be sure to collect their name, number, and address for legal purposes. Make sure they are consistent with their statements. A Car Accident Lawyer in Enumclaw will take over your case if you need one but it is important to supply him with as much evidence and documentation as possible to help him win the case for you.