Basement waterproofing is a task for the professionals who know where the leak is originating at. Perhaps the entire basement wall structure is leaking, or the foundation support is leaking because water is not draining away quickly enough. A highly qualified waterproofing company can send out a technician to find the problem and propose a solution. Key stone Foundation Repair can provide this service in areas of Pennsylvania, Baltimore, and areas of Maryland.
The first step is to make sure that the yard slopes away from the home so that water does not accumulate and run down the basement walls. Check the walls for cracks where water can seep in. The basement waterproofing company may recommend applying a cement patch where the walls join the floor.
These are fairly easy steps to take. However, more complex steps may be required. It may be necessry to dig around the basement walls down to the foundation footings. Then install tile to carry the water off or a French Drain to accomplish the same depending on how much water can accumulate there. The next step would be to prepare the wall for waterproofing, and there are several techniques for doing this. Basement Waterproofing in York can offer advice on each one.
Volclay Bentonite is a new method whereby a substance called volclay is injected under pressure into the ground down to the basement foorings. This material automatically gravitates to the wall and seals it.There are other processes that require digging around the wall to the bottom footings and covering the wall with a tar substance and apply a rubberized webbing over the tar and then apply tar over that.
All you may need to do is to divert water from your downspout further out into your yard so that it doesn’t pool near the basement walls. The Basement Waterproofing in York will be able to assess the source of the water seepage and recommend the best method to stop the water from entering the basement. There are methods to seal the wall from the inside and to patch any hole or crack with a cement rpoduct that expands when it dries. There are various types of systems for every condition, and selecting the right one is important.