The Popularity Of Invisalign In Philadelphia

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Dental

There are many different reasons why teens and adults may want to improve their smile by adjusting the spacing or position of their teeth. In the past, the only option for many individuals was traditional metal braces. Today, teens and adults also have the option to consider Invisalign in Philadelphia.

Opting for Invisalign in Philadelphia is a great option for those who do not want to have visible braces. The process uses custom designed aligners that are clear plastic and fit over the teeth of the upper and lower arch. When in place, these aligners are almost impossible to detect and allow teens and adults to avoid the pain and problems associated with traditional braces.

Eating Considerations

Perhaps the biggest advantage to the use of the Invisalign system for straightening the teeth is that the aligners can be removed as needed. This includes taking the aligners out to enjoy meals, allowing people to enjoy the foods they love.
Unfortunately, with traditional metal braces, hard, sticky, or difficult to chew foods, such as popcorn, can cause damage to the braces. Taking out the aligners eliminates this issue completely.

Dental Hygiene

Aligners can also be removed to allow the individual to thoroughly brush and floss their teeth. This is a critical factor as traditional braces can prevent flossing and thorough brushing for months or even years, potentially resulting in additional dental concerns during the straightening process and after.

Time of Treatment

Depending on the complexity of the treatment needed to straighten or adjust the position of the teeth, the time for treatment can range from about six months to less than two years. Ensuring the aligners are in the required amount of time per day, which is a minimum of 22 hours, helps to keep the treatment on the timeline.

Absolute Smile offers patients the information they need to determine if they are a good fit for Invisalign in Philadelphia. To find out more, see us online at

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