The Many Benefits That You Can Reap From Hiring a Doula for Your Birth

by | Aug 30, 2019 | Childbirth

A doula is a professional who provides emotional and physical support for a woman who is in labor. Doulas do not have any medical training. However, they can teach a woman how to do breathing and relaxation techniques. There are several ways that you can benefit from hiring a doula in NJ.

Help With the Intensity of Birth

You have probably been told that labor is intense. However, labor may be a lot more painful than you think. A doula can help you deal with the intensity of birth. The doula’s presence can help you eliminate anxiety and decrease your pain.

Lower the Rate of Interventions

Medical interventions are sometimes needed during birth. However, women who use doulas are less likely to need medical interventions. A doula can also lower the amount of time that a mother spends in labor.

Advocate for You

Many women feel as though they have no control over how they want the birth to go. If you have a doula, then you will have someone who will be able to advocate for you. They will make sure that your medical team knows your wishes. Although doulas do not have any medical training, they still know a lot about labor and delivery. They know the right questions to ask.

Partner Guidance

Your doula can also help your partner. They can coach your partner and tell them what they need to do to help you. Additionally, a doula will be there to support you if your partner has to step out of the room.

Support After Birth

Your doula will not stop helping you after you give birth. They can continue to give you support after the delivery. They can check on you to make sure that you are recovering properly. They can also help you with things like breastfeeding.

The Must List

