The Importance of Sports Medicine in Sacramento, CA

by | Oct 10, 2017 | Health & Fitness

If you are an athlete who has been injured while playing a sport, your primary care doctor may encourage you to visit a doctor who specializes in sports medicine. Your injury can not only limit your ability to play sports but also make everyday activities difficult to do and painful. There are a few options for treatment for most sports injuries but no matter how you get treated, the main goal is to have you able to play sports and live an active life without any pain.

Repeated Movements

Sports often rely on repeated movements such as swinging a golf club or throwing a baseball. Unfortunately, it’s these movements that can cause injuries. In addition to repeated movements, the rigorous training that most sports require can result in damage to your joints, muscles, and even bones. A practitioner of sports medicine in Sacramento, CA will be able to diagnose your problem, come up with a treatment plan, and even work with nutritional science and preventive medicine to help keep you from injury again in the future.

Pain Management

Good sports medicine specialists will work hard to make sure that the pain you feel won’t interfere with your everyday activities. They will want to treat your main issue and make sure that it is resolved; however, most injuries have additional tenderness, pain, and aching that can make it difficult to function normally. Prescription medications, injected medications, electrical stimulation, heat and cold, and even spinal decompression can all be used to help alleviate the pain and discomfort that are so often found with major sports injuries.

If you have been injured while playing a sport and aren’t sure what your next step should be to heal as quickly as possible, contact us to make an appointment. Once you’ve taken the first step of making an appointment and meeting with a specialist, you will be able to plan out your healing and begin to take steps toward feeling better.

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