The Importance of Having Magnolia, TX Septic Tank System Inspection Done Before Moving Into a House

by | May 30, 2018 | Septic Tanks

Before buying a rural home, it’s crucial to be sure a Magnolia TX Septic Tank System Inspection has been performed recently enough to verify that everything is working properly. Some states have laws requiring sellers of residential property to have the tank pumped and inspected before closing.

Buyer Beware

In Texas, the buyers are responsible for having the tank and related equipment inspected before completing the purchase. If they don’t bother, and the equipment fails soon after moving in, they are entirely responsible for having the system repaired or replaced. The sellers may be able to provide verification that the system was inspected within the past year or so and that no problems were found. In that case, the buyers might decide they can wait.

Rental Considerations

Even when renting a rural home, it’s best to make sure that a Magnolia TX Septic Tank System Inspection has been completed within a certain amount of time. It’s the landlord’s responsibility to keep the system in good working order, but the failure of a septic system is a decidedly unpleasant occurrence. Renters do not want to be living in a home that is vulnerable to sewer backups and bothersome odors from the drain field.

Pumping Before Move-In

Having the tank pumped by a company such as Business Name just before moving in is usually preferable. There is no way of knowing how full the tank is, even if it had been pumped 12 months previously. If something goes wrong, such as tree roots in the sewer line creating a blockage, it’s somebody else’s waste backing up into the home. Sewer backups are bad enough without having to realize this disturbing factor.

The Seller’s Option

Often, a real estate seller will have this work done before listing the property. That way, there is no doubt on the part of prospective buyers that there could be problems with the private sewage treatment system. People looking to buy a house may not want to pay for a tank pumping and inspection for a property they might not even buy. Visit the website website domain for details on one particular septic service company.

The Must List

