The importance of always being prepared for emergencies

by | Oct 8, 2013 | Security Systems and Services

No matter how safe or careful you and your employees are in the workplace, accidents and emergencies can arise out of nowhere. Sometimes they can be the result of human error, while in other situations faulty machinery or electronics can be the cause. Though you may have taken great care to ensure an accident never occurs, there is simply no way of ensuring one never happens. This is why it’s extremely important to always have the necessary safety equipment at hand to tackle any emergency situations should they ever arise. Fire emergencies are one of the more common disasters that can afflict a workplace, and it pays to have equipment ready to battle it should it happen. Having a fire extinguisher in Tunbridge Wells within your premises is not only a wise safety precaution, but also part of health and safety laws. Should small fires break out, a fire extinguisher can be on hand to prevent a minor fire from spreading and causing major damage. Fires can swiftly get out of hand if not dealt with, and often need to be dealt with in a matter of seconds to prevent further spreading. If such an emergency does happen, you need to be sure that your fire extinguishers are in good working order and can reliably do their job.

Though emergencies are rare, they can still happen

Most people believe that such emergencies are unlikely to happen to them, so they do little to nothing to actually prepare for them. When you compare the potential damage that a fire can do to your property, investing in a fire extinguisher in Tunbridge Wells is a very small price to pay for the safety and preparation it affords. If you consider the huge losses you could suffer from a fire, there is simply no other option but to have fire extinguishers at hand on your premises.

Emergencies often require immediate action to prevent

Fires are notoriously quick at spreading, often engulfing an entire building within minutes. Though fire departments are well-equipped to tackle flames, it is simply not possible for them to arrive on the scene quick enough to prevent many fires from spreading. If you have a fire extinguisher ready on your premises, you are able to tackle small fires that can easily be extinguished before they spread.

If the fire is too big then evacuate the premises

Though fire extinguishers are great at tackling small fires, they are not effective at preventing fires that have already spread. If a fire has spread and become too large, your only option is to evacuate your premises and wait for the fire department to arrive. The lives of you and your employees are paramount here, and only your local fire department have the capability to tackle large fires.

Being prepared for fire emergencies can save lives and businesses – Sapphire Security can provide you with a reliable fire extinguisher in Tunbridge Wells, UK.

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