The Importance of a Certified Mechanic

by | Dec 5, 2012 | Automotive

Auto repair Herndon

Auto repair Herndon

If you own an automobile, you know that keeping that vehicle in good working order is critical to maintaining its’ performance and extending its’ useful life. Whether it be a used vehicle with one-hundred and fifty thousand miles or a brand new car right off the showroom floor, finding a good mechanic who knows auto repair in Herndon is almost as important as keeping gas in the tank.

Knowing where a reputable and dependable auto repair mechanic is located can be a challenge. An internet search will produce scores of results and the process of weeding through these results can be time consuming. Before you spend time on the computer, the best place to look for a dependable mechanic is to first talk to family and friends.

Odds are that a close friend or relative is either an auto repair in Herndon mechanic or they use one. This is especially true if that individual owns a used vehicle. New vehicles generally do require much in the way of maintenance for initial 75,000 miles or so and so the owner of such an automobile may only be familiar with a local lube shop. What you are looking for is someone who owns a vehicle that is at least three or four years old and has logged closer to 100,000 miles. The likelihood is good that this vehicle owner has at some point taken his or her automobile to an auto repair in Herndon.

If you strike out getting a referral, then take your search back to the internet. Regardless of whether the mechanic you look to use is from a referral or from the web, one of the most important factors in determining the reliability and professionalism of the mechanic is whether or not they are certified. The industry standard and most widely recognized certification for an auto repair in Herndon mechanic to have is the ASE designation.

ASE stands for the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and this non-profit organization works hard to make sure the quality of automobile repair and service remains superior. They require all mechanics who are members to undergo continuing testing to keep their certification. Do not feel embarrassed when calling around to different mechanic shops to ask if the mechanics there are certified. You are considering entrusting the safety of your vehicle in their hands. Granted, not all dependable mechanics have the ASE designation and not all mechanics that are ASE-certified guarantee dependability and reliability, but finding one who is certified is a great place to start.

Auto repair Herndon – Hire auto repair in Herndon mechanics that are reliable and certified to maintain the performance of your car or truck. Visit Advanced Automotive, Inc. today.

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