A microfocus x-ray source paired with enough power and the proper focus tube can be a powerful diagnostic and inspection tool. These compact devices make it easier for inspectors to examine electronics, the human body, and animals.
CT Imaging
These 2D and 3D imagers can take vivid snapshots of the lungs and bones. Physicians can see pins, plates, and fractures. Dentists use them to view jawbones and dental anomalies. Dental professionals can examine root canals and molars. Veterinarians or researchers might use the device on small animals.
Inspectors might use x-ray technology to capture internal components and verify company specifications. It is one tool that can help determine if an installer used all of the right parts. It allows inspectors to identify serial numbers or markings without disassembling the product.
Printed Circuit Board Inspection
A printed circuit board (PCB) is the foundation of many devices, and if they are not assembled correctly, there could be trouble down the road. Because they are vital components to an operation, inspectors routinely check their quality. The inspection may reveal design issues or manufacturing errors. These checkpoints can save time and money, so many businesses willingly go through this process.
The Process
The x-ray process can capture various angles of the subject. The two- and three-dimensional features highlight pertinent aspects. It is a relatively quick and efficient procedure compared to any manual or visual inspection. The images can detect faults, proper assembly procedures, and repairs and growths in human and animal bodies. For more information on microfocus x-ray source configurations and applications, contact Micro X-Ray Inc. for more.