The Functions And Types Of Gearbox Housing

by | Nov 28, 2022 | Business

The housing of a gear drive serves as the unit’s basis and the primary barrier between the inner components and external abrasives. The housing may appear to be a simple casting or fabrication, yet its design has numerous factors in mind. A gear housing is a mechanical compartment that houses the mechanical parts of a gearbox.

It gives mechanical support for the moving components, mechanical protection for those internal parts from external environments, and a fluid-tight vessel for the lubricant that soaks those components. Here’s what you need to know about gearbox housing.

What’s the role of the gearbox housing?

One of the primary roles of the housing is to support the torque loads created by the motor and the internal loads caused by the functioning of the gearbox components. Apart from supporting all loads, the housing guarantees that the bearings are in proper positions so that the shafts and gearing are properly aligned.

Types of gearbox housing

Bathtub housing

A bathtub gearbox housing has a single piece with a top entrance for servicing the gearbox and a side opening for accommodating the bearing housing associated with the gear shafts. Have a greater overall leak-free performance but are more complex to construct and maintain.

Split housing

A split housing is like a walnut shell that has two parts.

The lower part:

· it ties the Gear Box to the structure
· supports all the components during the assembly stage
· holds the lubrication oil

The upper part:

· which completes the enclosure
· provides mechanical integrity to the housing

The upper and bottom sections of the housing have a mating surface that properly seals the housing to prevent oil leaks and housing fatigue.

The gearbox housing is a protective case that surrounds the components, giving physical protection and mechanical support. When purchasing a gearbox for your vehicle, it is important to purchase from a reputable spare parts company.

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