The Deportation Attorney Cincinnati OH Will Fight For Your Residency Status

by | Mar 7, 2014 | Lawyers & Law Firms

If you have received a notice from ICE or any immigration enforcement office, then you must schedule an appointment with an attorney who is experienced in the laws and processes which apply to deportations. It is a mistake to automatically assume you will be deported. The media tells all of horror stories about people who are deported, and other immigrants automatically believe they have no chance of avoiding deportation. This is simply not true.

The first step is to talk to an attorney experienced in deportation issues and cases. A Deportation Attorney Cincinnati OH would be a good source of advice for finding an attorney experienced in deportation cases. There are several options available for avoiding deportation. Many immigrants have avoided deportation. At the present time there are over 300,000 immigration status hearings scheduled. It will take the courts some time to get through these, so you have time to work with an attorney. However, don’t wait just because you believe you may have time.

The good news is 2012 and 2013 saw a record low number of cases resulting in deportation. Clearly, the immigration attorneys are learning more about navigating the murky waters of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. An attorney can employ several legal processes to at least postpone deportation while they are working on other ways to stop deportation. They also have several methods to use for removing the threat of deportation including an appeal to a Federal Court of Appeals for a Judicial Stay of Removal or to rule the deportation order invalid. Any of these steps will help you. The Bell Law Office is a source of information on this matter.

The immigration laws have become more complex and the enforcement has become more complicated and aggressive. However, having an aggressive, experienced immigration attorney working for you will take a burden off of your shoulders and balance the threat posed by ICE or any other organization. A Deportation Attorney Cincinnati OH is good source of advice on how the laws can work for you.

It may be difficult to believe you have options for strong and aggressive help, but the fact is you do. If you are concerned about talking to an attorney alone then take a friend with you. Usually the first visit to the attorney is free. Click here for more information.

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