When you compare the Bible to a body of water you would say that there are some deep parts that may never be discovered in our lifetime and then there are some shallow waters where even a baby would be safe. The Bible is complex yet simple enough to hold the interests of Sunday school lesson and nursery rhymes that we will remember forever. Then there are subjects such as Preterism and the rapture that can be both deep and easy to understand, that is, depending on the view you hold.
There are two general schools of thought for those that read the Bible as it relates to the second coming of Jesus and the rapture. The preterism school of thought is that all the prophecies have been fulfilled and we are simply waiting for the rapture. Jesus said the gospel of Matthew that all things would be take place before this generation passes away. Since the disciple John was the only one of the disciples that outlived all the others and he died at the age of 92, that generation would surely have already come to an end.
The alternative school of thought to Preterism and the rapture is that it is in the future. Or maybe more realistically that some of the prophecies have already been fulfilled and some have yet to pass. With this view as well however, we are also waiting for the rapture. This view makes it easier to compromise with the preterism thoughts because you can take some of their discoveries in which they believe and apply it to a futuristic goal in which they are still being fulfilled.
In either case they are still awaiting the rapture. Prominent figures in the world today are on both sides of the argument and easily can dissuade either side of the argument. One of the proponents of preterism uses a scholarly retort when faced with these questions. If you believe adamantly in one side then it is your job to write in support of the other side. Time to dig out all the texts, cross references and historical artifacts that point to your decision so that you can easily converse with your loved ones that may believe just the opposite.