When you think of fibers and towels, you hardly think of bamboo. Even though cotton is the norm in the Western world, it is not the only material available on the market. Bamboo viscose is commonly used to create silky smooth towels. You may find that viscose is softer and more affordable than regular cotton. Then, you will wonder why this product is not commonly found on shelves. As a consumer, know all of your options. Learn more about bamboo fiber sheets and why you want these products in your home.
Why Is Bamboo Special?
Bamboo is a widely used plant in China and other parts of Asia. Chinese people are included the plant in their studies and philosophies. The plant has become a part of everyday life. Whether they are manufacturing weapons, clothing or musical instruments, they have found great use in bamboo. According to some people, if the Chinese could use bamboo so abundantly, it must be a valuable plant.
The bamboo plant itself is lightweight and smaller than many species of trees. It is easy to grow a large field of these plants and turn all of them into everyday products. The plants grow quickly, too, and replenish themselves easily.
Also, bamboo is very strong, so you can be assured of its quality and durability. When you turn bamboo into towels, you will feel that the material is strong and pliable yet soft and absorbent.
What Is Bamboo Viscose?
Bamboo viscose is the material used to make bath fiber sheets, towels, and robes. Bamboo fiber sheets look like regular cotton or linen sheets, but the quality is far more superior. Some of the finest cotton sheets are not as soft and silky as the viscose sheets. Since bamboo is an all-natural, eco-friendly product, it is not grown and processed similarly to standard cotton.
Despite its good qualities, bamboo viscose is only good if it comes from an honest, reliable company. You cannot read any organic label and assume that it is true. Look for a genuine organic certification if you want to invest in an organic company. Anyone who buys organic bamboo clothing is likely to check if the products are truly organic. Also, know that not all companies manufacture bamboo in a way that is safe and eco-friendly. You must know everything about the types of companies you are dealing with.
Bamboo viscose may be the ideal fabric you crave in your everyday products. You may not have heard anything about it because the popularity of cotton has overshadowed the use of bamboo. The reality is that most cotton towels are rough to the touch and produced on a mass scale. Anyone interested in rare and unique products should consider making an investment in bamboo fiber sheets.