Taking Care of the Garage: What Would a Roofing Contractor in Tucson Suggest?

by | Feb 3, 2017 | Roofing

Many homeowners focus on the condition of the roofs on their houses but give little thought to the roof on a detached garage until a problem arises. The thing to remember is that the garage roof may or may not need to be replaced. The best approach is to call a Roofing Contractor Tucson and arrange for the professional to take a look. Here are some of the approaches the contractor may recommend.

Everything is Fine

The results of the inspection were better than the homeowner expected. Aside from a couple of loose shingles and the need to replace a short section of flashing, the roof is in great shape. In this scenario, the contractor will take care of the minor repairs and recommend the roof be checked again in a year or so.

Recoating the Current Roof

When the Roofing Contractor Tucson finds the garage roof is in basically decent condition, there may be a few minor issues to resolve. Once those are out of the way, the professional is likely to recommend recoating the roof. A new coat of a protecting agent will extend the life of the roofing and also improve the appearance. That coating also provides more protection from the elements and helps to reduce the potential for leaks and other common problems.

Replacing the Older Roof

If repairs are not enough, the best bet is to replace the garage roof. The contractor can help the homeowner find a roofing material and style close to what’s currently on the house. That helps to maintain a more unified look for the property.

Keep in mind that many of the regulations applying to house roofing also apply to garage roofs. That means if local regulations require that no more than two layers of roofing can be on the frame and there are already two layers on the garage, everything will have to be removed. The contractor will include the cost of ripping away the old roofing in the estimate for the replacement.

Before making assumptions about the garage roof, visit the website and find out how to have a professional from Ralph Hays Roofing pay a visit. Once the roof is inspected, it will be easy to determine what does or doesn’t need to be done.

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