Take Care Of Your Car and Know The Signs of Steering Column Issues

by | Jan 11, 2017 | Automotive

If you’re like most people and spend several hours a week in your car, chances are that when something starts to feel off you’ll notice it. Maybe you’re coming to a stop and you hear an odd noise when you start to push on the brakes, or turning around a corner doesn’t feel the way it always has. These are key signs that something is wrong, and it may be an issue with the steering column that should be repaired.

Problems with steering can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, whether it’s the screeching or grinding noise that would indicate an issue with the brakes, or the shaking and uneven tire wear that would indicate an issues with the tire alignment, there is a whole separate set of symptoms that point to issues with your steering column. If you fight yourself fighting the wheel in order to have your car turn the way it should, or if you hear unusual noises such as screeching or grinding especially when turning, this can indicate an issue with your steering column. This can either be a hardware problem, an electrical problem or an issue with lubricant fluids needing to be replaced.

However, issues with controlling your car aren’t the only symptoms a failing or damaged steering column may present. Another one of the primary functions of a steering column is to hold the wheel at a comfortable angle for drivers of all sizes. If your steering wheel refuses to lock in place, this can pose a serious issue and be very distracting while driving.

Lastly, if your car has recently been stolen or broken into, there may be an issue with the anti-theft system built into the column. This system is designed to prevent a car from starting without the proper keys, and it may have been damaged in the process. Symptoms can range from your car not starting, turning off seemingly at random, or your car alarm going off unexpectedly.  When in doubt, especially after a theft, bring your car in for a tuneup.

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