It can be easy to take your vision for granted while you are young. However, as you get older and experience more health conditions, you might begin to suffer from vision loss.
You do not have to relegate yourself to going blind. Instead, you can seek out the care of retina specialists in Jacksonville, FL, if you begin to experience these symptoms.
Black Dots
If you begin to see black dots in front of your eyes, you need to make an appointment with one of these specialists. Black dots indicate that your retinas could be detaching themselves from the backs of your eyes The detaching results in a vision ailment known as macular degeneration.
Some cases of macular degeneration are treatable, however. Your specialist might perform laser surgery to attach the retinas in place. This surgery can restore your vision for several more years, if not longer.
Loss of or Blurry Central Vision
If you lose your central vision or it begins to blur, you also need to see a retina specialist. This symptom can likewise raise the alarm that something is wrong with your retinas. There could be retinal streaks in the back of your eyes or the retinas could be detached.
Your retina specialist treats this part of your eyes and can help restore your vision. You can find out more about this provider by contacting Business Name directly or by going to Web