Norco is the brand name for a hydrocodone prescription medication, a type of opiate that some individuals become addicted to. Doctors usually prescribe the medicine for short-term relief of moderate to severe pain, but when the drug is taken continuously for a long time, the person can become physically and psychologically dependent on the drug. Medically supervised Norco Detox in Navarre FL is advisable because withdrawal symptoms can be serious.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Unfortunately, complete withdrawal from this drug tends to be a relatively long process. Initial symptoms like muscle pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, sweating and involuntary twitching can last for more than a week. Medication can be provided that eases these symptoms during Norco Detox in Navarre FL. For instance, prescription-strength anti-diarrhea and anti-nausea medication can be provided. The person may benefit from taking pain medication, but this should only be taken after consultation with a healthcare provider.
Some individuals feel depressed for a long time after the withdrawal is over. They also may have trouble sleeping and feel generally weak and fatigued.
Beginning Detox
Beginning detox can be a scary process, since the person typically knows what to expect. He or she may have heard about the withdrawal symptoms from a friend or may have looked up the information online. Having professional supervision available to help with getting through the worst of the process is invaluable.
Ongoing Therapy and Other Care
Ongoing psychiatric care and counseling at a center such as Kolbe Clinic can help the person stay on track when the desire to start using again is strong. The client learns effective methods for staying clean and focusing on having a rewarding, fulfilling life without chemical dependency. This type of center provides medical detox service as well as the therapy that can be so crucial over the next several months.
The individual may need nutritional counseling if he or she has been neglecting a healthy diet, which is relatively common among chemically dependent persons. An exercise program can stimulate the mind and renew the person’s energy. A holistic program for total well-being is advisable. Click here to learn more about one particular center where supervised detox from Norco is provided.