Style Like No Other with a Stetson Aviatrix

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Business Services

Have you ever watched a television show or movie and saw a look that captivated you? You might not want to emulate the entire look but one portion of the ensemble in particular made you think “yeah, I can pull that off.”

Perhaps you have seen the Stetson Aviatrix Agent Carter hat and were taken aback. After all, it is a striking hat, part of the Stetson Aviatrix line. It is a classic piece of Americana, a timeless hat that calls to a specific point in history but can be worn throughout the ages.

Look Like a Secret Agent

Of course, the Stetson Aviatrix was made famous by the aforementioned television character. Part of a web of superheroes and villains, this character and the hat that she wore harken back to a time that was much simpler – even if her job was not.

The bright red stands out in a crowd and can really transform any outfit that it is matched with. Most importantly, it brings an air of class and respect whenever it is worn.

Sturdily Made

Another thing to consider is that hats like these are not made the same anymore. It is heavy-duty without feeling heavy duty, meaning that you can wear it any time you want without feeling you are carrying the extra weight of the heavier fabric.

The 100% wool felt is meant to stand the test of time, meaning that you will be able to break this hat out whenever you feel like.

The Must List

